Things are Looking UP
On Tuesday I got an offer to be a quarter-time assistant to our church secretary AND an offer to work part-time at a local florist.
That afternoon I got a call for a second interview for a teller's position with a local federal credit union for a full-time job. Today they called to offer that job!! (I had actually applied for a part time job, but they asked me to work full time.)
I am looking forward to resigning from the Call Center. My supervisor gave his own notice two weeks ago, so it's a good time to go.
Great. Sounds like the afventures are coming to you. Enjoy this.
Can I pretend the typo above is so TLP can feel better about her grammar?
That Doug. Such an imp.
Awesome! Congrats! you even have your pick of jobs, which is RARE.
That's great. No one likes a call centre.
wow...seems like ages I have been here and everything is changing, too.
Happy Halloween!
Rabbit, rabbit!
Rabbit, rabbit.
Yay for Della. Glad you're putting the Call Center to your back.
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