just wait, it's coming! dddragon presents: Is Anything Truly Random?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Aren't Grandmothers Grand?

I just have to blog 'bout my mom, Tan Lucy Pez. Not only is she a great mom, but she's a great grandmother to my Kiddies. Generous to a fault (literally! lol) and fun, she just loves being Granny. When they're selling Girl Scout cookies, she'll buy a case. If they admire something, she'll get it (but not a Mini Cooper -- too small to be safe enough for her taste!)

Well, the Kiddies' youth group at church was selling raffle tickets as a fund raiser for a class trip. Each had 15 tickets to sell at $5 each - so I silently groaned at the thought of selling 30. So I suggested that they ask Granny, figuring that she would buy several.

Silly me.

She bought them ALL.

Yup. Wrote the check, handed it to me and said "fill in the blanks for me."

Well, this morning the kids pulled the winning top four tickets. Suddenly it occurred to me that my mother had bought 30 tickets - and I figured that there was probably about 200 sold. Mom stood a pretty good chance of winning, I thought.

Silly me.

She won TWICE.

Yup. Third and Fourth place. So she recouped about half of what she spent to buy the tickets.

My mom - ain't she somethin'?


At 3:39 PM, Blogger TLP said...

Blush. Aw, go on.

I don't want the money. Put it back in the pot to help the church group go to Boston. That's where they're going, right?

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Tom & Icy said...

She has a good point and she is a fine lady with a good soul.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger GodlessMom said...

Hooray for Tan Lucy Pez!!

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Lila said...

Tan Lucy Pez rocks.


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