just wait, it's coming! dddragon presents: Is Anything Truly Random?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Giving What You Can

DH and I have been discussing how to help with the Katrina relief. We're not flush with money and we always seem to have bad luck with appliances and cars (see my earlier posts: Sewer Excitement Part One and Part Poo, tho' we actually have insurance coverage on something for a change). Anyway, what with it costing $50 dollars to fill the van (no sh**, that's what it cost for 15.629 gallons!) and two kids, etc., we were discussing how much to send and to which organization.

Well, another opportunity has arisen. DH is a part-time photographer and one of his professional photo buddies, Charlie Smith, contacted us. Charlie is organizing a photo exhibit at the Midtown Cinema in Harrisburg, with photographers donating outright their framed photos and purchasers writing the checks out to either the Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity. I have some framed photos that I took a photography course at Penn State, so I'll also donate one. Not sure which one yet - I did a series based on trips to a local flea market.

skates for sale at flea market by dddragon

Oh, and I see that I've broken the 1500 milestone on the site meter! As Schnoodlepooh notes, some of us like to see comments and counts on our blogs!

LATER UPDATE: I have been the editor of newsletters for non-profits for some time now (I actually got paid for one for awhile!), and it will soon be ten years of editorship at my church. ANYWAY ~ my DH signed me up as a member of the local camera club so that I could become their newsletter editor. Three years ago he entered one issue into the Photographic Society of America's Bulletin Contest and I/we won Honorable Mention, Small Club division. Last year I won Second, and I just found out that I have again won Second Place. Yippee!


At 9:42 AM, Blogger bgfay.com said...

It's good to find some way to give. My family and I aren't flush with cash either and so we have been trying to find innovative ways to give to the relief.

I wish that our President would start calling for people to make real sacrifices across the nation. He could ask us to all turn off an appliance to save energy or skip a car trip. Those are two things I've suggested on my blog and I'm doing both. It seems like it has become sacrilege to call on the public to give up anything whether it be in support of Katrina's victims or the troops overseas. That's too bad. I think we're a better country than that.

Anyway, bravo to you on finding some way to help.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

1502! Yay for me!

Sure, dragon, you don't have to give up the farm to help. Do what you can, that's all anybody could ask.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Fred said...

The Missus and I made a small donation to the Red Cross. My sense is they're doing a better job than the government right now, so anything will help.

I love the picture of the skates. It's pretty cool in b&w.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

What a truly meaningful gift!

Thank you for sharing, and showing the world how something painful can turn around into something with great meaning.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Lila said...

Congrats on the awards!

That's a great picture. I'd love to see the flea market photos. That's a great idea.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Congrats on the award! How exciting! I build championship sandcastles, and proudly display every trophy I own.

I've donated and am thinking of setting something up on Ebay where I can sell merchandise and the proceeds to go the Red Cross.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger thc said...

You are to be commended for your efforts. Cash is best, but we all do what we can.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger mireille said...

you have a gift -- the photo is wonderful. And thanks for reminding how many ways we can give. xoxo

At 1:36 PM, Blogger the many Bs said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. I love photography. winning a contest is a dream for me. Congratulations. I love the photo. Black & white is cool. I also think it's great that you can donate things that will be sold to raise money for the hurricane victims. I've been trying to think of other ways to help. I gave money that I didn't have to the HS, but it seems so empty. I feel guilty for having so much and those people have nothing. I could share... but how???
Congrats on your 1500 !!

At 1:53 PM, Blogger TLP said...

Good for you! Both for the way of donating and for the awards.

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

It's wonderful to see how people are doing whatever they can to help.
This is a great country! I'm proud to be an American!

At 10:45 PM, Blogger A Little Bar of Soap said...

God bless you for helping the victims. Don't forget to pray for them!

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Buck said...

A Morning Word from Buck
Ps 76:11 “Make vows to the LORD your God and fulfill them;”

We have become a society of appointments. Everyone carries a day planner, calendar, palm pilot, or appointment book in order to keep track of the many engagements that clutter the waking moments of the day. In the typical day of the average person there is a time to wake up, a time to go to work, time for lunch, time for meetings, time for phone calls, time for kids, time for dinner, time for television, and time for bed. The only “time” our schedule gets broken is when we develop a physical ailment. If we are sick, we schedule an appointment with the doctor. If we have a toothache, we schedule an appointment with the dentist. If we have problems, we schedule an appointment with a counselor. We are a society on a schedule. We don’t miss an appointment that can “fix” the sickness, the pain, or the problem.

When do we schedule an appointment with God? How often do we keep it? You must understand that everyday we wake up with a Spiritual ailment. This ailment can only be remedied by a daily commitment to the Lord. We must set aside some of the worthless appointments that fill up our day, make an appointment with God, and keep it. One day a week is not sufficient to transform your Spiritual ailment into Spiritual blessing. Commit a portion of your day, everyday to the Lord. Pray for wisdom, study the scriptures, and apply the principles and promises of God’s precious word to your life. If this appointment becomes a priority then you will be continually transformed from Spiritually sick and contagious to Spiritually well and contagious. Your Spiritual well being will spread to all those whom you come into contact with during your busy, appointment-filled day.


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