just wait, it's coming! dddragon presents: Is Anything Truly Random?

Monday, January 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Brother

Nivek Army Ranger Pez
January 23, 1965 - August 7, 1991

The occasion of this photo was the
first birthday party of my twin daughters,
Bookworm and Goa'uld.
He let Bookworm have a sip of his beer a few minutes later.

She liked it.

In his honor, I watched the Three Stooges this weekend - one of them was a great one titled Mutts to You, where the Stooges are dog washers and end up with a baby that they think was abandoned. Another one was Baby Sitter Jitters, which I have seen before, but not for a really long time. In it was a joke that I didn't notice or get before when I was a kid ~

The mother: "oh, you're ALL here to babysit!"
Larry: "Yes, we're a UNIT!"
Shemp: "Yeah, we're Unitarians!"

There is a song that I learned as a teenager, Alphabet, forced to watch hours of the Stooges because of Nivek. I'm the only one that I know of who knows it, and I've been singing it for years. It baffles people. I found a sound file of it at the official Three Stooges website. I see/hear now that I've been singing it too fast!

this is an audio post - click to play


At 7:29 AM, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Aw, I'd like to have known Nivek. Great picture. My lifetime Stooges earworm is:

Niagara Falls?!?!
Slowly, I turn.
Step by step
Inch by inch

At 7:47 AM, Blogger TLP said...

Happy Nivek's B-day! We'll eat out for Mexican food in his honor. The kid sure loved Mexican food.

He loved to do that, "slowly I turn" bit.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Sar said...

What a nice tribute, 3D. Happy birthday to your brother.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Dddragon, I finally got to hear the alphabet song. Singing it would take me an hour and fourty minutes.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Miz BoheMia said...

Happy Birthday Nivek... what a tender and sweet picture...

At 12:53 PM, Blogger dddragon said...

Ah, yes, the slow I turned .... We did that alot, too.

Thanks for all your thoughts and comments.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Nivek is lucy to have such a loving and devoted family to his memory.

Many blessings to you all. (I thought today was the 22nd...please apologize to TLP for saying I would think about him on the 23rd...)

Have you read the book, WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE by Harold Kushner? It is wonderful and highly recommended.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

You mean you could sign the song faster than that? What a whiz!

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

My brothers made me watch those darned stooges, too!!! I still haven't recovered fully.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Fred said...

I was just watching them on Friday, when I was home sick. They are truly a great act.

Very nice picture. Happy Birthday, Nivek.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Minka said...

I read your mom´s post on august 7th.
You are such a tight-knit family and I admire you for your strength!

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Lila said...

Happy birthday, bro. I'm late on getting his post up... Oh well. It will be up soon.

I never saw that picture before. Funny... Not too flattering of Nivek, though!

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Lila said...

Love the audiopost, btw!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

From what I've read at your sister's blogs, your brother had a great sense of humor. I hope you smiled a lot yesterday, as you thought about him.

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Mikki Marshall said...

Boys and apparently one girl and the Three Stooges... what is up with that?
They will always be a mystery to me.

But you did sing it well in his honor.


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