Punxsutawney Ho!
So you'll have to wait to hear about it. Or read about it.
This is the kind of weather when I'm glad that we have cats that use litter boxes and not dogs who have to be taken for a walk to "eliminate" or "do their business". And around here, dog owners have to pick up the dog poop and take it home.
On Friday, I had an Esophagogastroduodenoscopic procedure (EGD) because I had been having some trouble swallowing and an irritating cough that interferred with work and sleep. A barium swallow test several weeks ago showed that I had a minor case of reflux, and the doctor wanted to make sure that there wasn't anything else going on.
This past week I started physical therapy for my bad back disks - if it works, then I can avoid surgery. The deteriorating lumbar disks are pinching the nerve going down my left leg. The neurosurgeon is a family friend, so I would trust him if it came to that.
And I saw my regular doctor on Friday, too. I felt like my antidepressant wasn't working anymore. So he's increased it some, and told me that I should get one of those lamps for those with Seasonal Affected Disorder. This is almost funny, considering how warm this winter has been so far. It was in the upper 60 degrees here in southcentral Pennsylvania today. I guess, however, that the short, grey and rainy days have taken their toll on me.