Jellybean the Clown
When my girls were younger, I worked a couple of nights a week. On Tuesday nights, Nod would take the girls to a local buffet-type restaurant (usually meeting his mom and brother there). It was Family Night and there were a couple of clowns there making balloon creatures for the kids.
For months I heard about Jellybean and JoJo and saw the balloons animals that my girls brought home. It became clear that there was a special relationship growing between the clowns and my family. So I finally took a night off from work to go see what this was all about.
When Jellybean saw me sitting there, his eyes got big and he rushed off to get JoJo, his son. (I think that they figured that Nod was widowed or something.) The two clowns came to our table, and Jellybean said to JoJo, "see, the Mother is here!"
We came to know Jellybean and his family. He and his son came as clowns to the girls' birthday parties for free, making balloon creatures for the kids. Jellybean would try out complicated, elaborate balloon creations and give them to us.
His other son, Patrick, participated in the Special Olympics and Jellybean was a steadfast volunteer at all of their events. He worked a second job to earn money so that Patrick could travel to non-local competitions.
Jellybean passed away on December 22, and the memorial service is tonight.